Michelle Godfrey is a Certified Trager® Practitioner with Trager Canada. She was introduced to The Trager® Approach in the early 90’s and became a practitioner in 1999.
She has been yoga student since the late 80’s and found Trager through this practice. She became a yoga teacher in early 2002. She also has a background in meditation from that time. She includes chiropractic as an essential part of her health care for 30+ years. She has been a Naturpathic assistant and has been influenced by naturopathic medicine since that time as well.
Michelle loves how all of the above practices positively influence her life and her Trager practice including the development of intuition which is essential in being fully present to another. Trager is definitely her life’s passion!! Trager practitioners are required to continue education and tutorials to maintain their Trager practitioner status.